Topic: The Most Aggressive Pro-Poly Poster at Anti Yet
stat Member
posted 02-29-2008 06:03 PM
Greetings. I have been following a very busy uptick in postings at antipolygraph as of late. There is a very brash and soon to be banned polygraph examiner usernamed "thenolieguy4you" (sp?). He is a very angry poster who has crossed lines at antipolygraph that I have not seen crossed by an examiner. I expect him to be banned in short order, or perhaps outed as many of us were. He seems to take the very highest low road possible---very verbose, bombastic, even profane. Pity he doesn't check his grammer and context a tad bit more, as it could add a bit more gravitas to his text. Interesting stuff though.I say he is banned by midnight tonight-----any takers? 
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stat Member
posted 02-29-2008 06:21 PM
......I have to add that I do enjoy aggressive posters for polygraph over at the viperpit. I especially like it when there is a mixture of posters-- like these archetypes:1. An apologist---examiner who "feels the pains" of the error-rate casualties and the imperfections of the actions of people who are trying to do good by themselves and their country. 2. An information desk(ist)---a person who can readily quote statistics, offer studies, and debate the more broad concepts. 3. A nuance artist---someone who can go into great poly-babble detail ---to both satisfy the scientific crowd and stymie the layman with confusion. 4. An ethicist---someone who has great grasp on the morality of cheating, and the concepts of just what kinds of ambiguities rattle around in the head of someone who is poised to undertake countermeasures. A sort of hostage negotiator or "jumper" negotiator. 5. A hero Bully---someone who can make rational people look weak, thoughtful people look foolish, and hurt people whiners. Someone who is witty yet proud, and profane yet poetic and simple. Think Mark Twain. 
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Taylor Member
posted 02-29-2008 06:37 PM
I do like the agressive type to take on the AP (along with a well balanced team) but I am not in agreement with calling them names. I think I have seen 'snot nosed little shit' 'traiterous bastard' 'Man up you sniffeling little shit'.... do I need to go futher. I realize first hand how frustrating it can be to post at AP but when we start name calling we don't look any better than Larry.
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Ted Todd Member
posted 02-29-2008 06:41 PM
Stat I think he is standing on the train tracks with the barrel in his mouth and the hammer cocked. I know we got banned for a lot less.Perhaps the nolieguy4u poster is actually a "suicide poster" and is trying to take out as many other posters with him as he can?? Ted IP: Logged |
stat Member
posted 02-29-2008 06:56 PM
LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!! Jahova Akbar! Jahova Akbar!
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sackett Moderator
posted 02-29-2008 07:12 PM
All,"thenolieguy4you" is saying what we all believe, but only at their level. I certainly agree with his postings; however, you are correct in assuming he will soon be either outed and banned or just banned (if george can't figure out who he is). The only problem with his postings is that it is falling to the same level as their posters and being not only profane, but emotional as well. This will simply allow those "idiots" to re-direct the attack on us and leave the honest, confused reader unable to decide whose being truthful about polygraph as a whole and/or what to believe. Now, if we get about 10 polygraph exmainers willing to post on the AP site in a direct, and non-emotional (no attacks)manner, then we might actually make some headway with readers and frustrate the "idiots" even more. I am not under any illusion that any of the pro-postings will change the mentality of the "usual suspects", but it might have an effect on the ignorant reader who decided to go to AP out of ignorance or that it happened to be the first site on his google search... Jim IP: Logged |
Buster Member
posted 02-29-2008 07:14 PM
Thats Coffey on here, it must be him there-- I would assume. If you guys know that already and I missed the boat, I guess I am a little slow. [This message has been edited by Buster (edited 02-29-2008).] IP: Logged |
stat Member
posted 02-29-2008 08:01 PM
I think it is too. I wish he could salvage his membership there, and pursue the case against George having violated his TS oath----there may be something there that has been missed all these years. I dunno. I respect his passion.
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rnelson Member
posted 02-29-2008 09:03 PM
I predict GM will NOT nuke him.r ------------------ "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room." --(Stanley Kubrick/Peter Sellers - Dr. Strangelove, 1964)
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stat Member
posted 02-29-2008 09:35 PM
Ray, I think I know what you're thinking. It ain't pretty, is it. 
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Taylor Member
posted 02-29-2008 10:18 PM
Eric, you GOTTA get rid of that picture... I cringe each time I see it. IP: Logged |
stat Member
posted 02-29-2008 10:38 PM
I see this woman....and I ask myself, is she puckering, or is that the calogen? Also, and in case you weren't grossed out enough---the material used to make her lips probably was removed from her thighs or her glutes (butt.)Donna, please remember that the beauty we all have is in the INSIDE, not on the outside-------like inside of this woman's lips which contain ass fat. Got a tic tac? IP: Logged |
stat Member
posted 03-02-2008 12:41 PM
As of lately, Jim Sackett is doing a great job at anti, having suffered some earlier growing pains----but is now getting his stride. Some strategic advice for potential posters----advice that comes from both first hand knowledge and monitoring;1. Avoid using the words "polygraph school"---they retort with compelling accuracy that polygraph school is far too brief for the heady task of "detecting lies"--the oldest desire of divination known to man's search for justice. 2. Try not to take yourself too seriously--it comes off as bluster, and enemies will discredit you for having some form of cover-up agenda. 3. If you are going to get angry, do it with sardonism and sarcasm---if you get enraged, and a poster asks you to back up assertions and you don't, it makes us look petulent. Anger without follow-through determination is juvenile. 4. Use graphics, it is a winning strategy to show humanness, and fun----the kinds of traits that are not confused with con-artistry. 5. Don't let posters push you around---we are professional bullies, and average posters and threads can easily be redirected and hijacked when the conversation turns ugly, without us looking abusive. It's what we do. 6. Don't disappear completely. It makes us look flakey. If you want to stop posting, phase out slowly. 7. Attacking George is futile. Attack his bahavior and pursuits----and never be above complimenting your enemy, as enemy's wouldn't be enemies if they weren't doing something effective. 8. Avoid getting into jargon unless you have a mastery of it. Too many times I have started a jargonesque debate only to be out-witted by someone far more versed in slinging lingo. Keep it simple----remember how George W Bush was able to win debates despite his crippled english skills. Horse sense wins over the masses every time. 6. If you are alone in a forum, it might be better to defend from all sides, as when you hone in on one poster, 4 will cut you off at the knees. It's easier to take them all on, as when you boil any discussion down over there, it's heresay-----and to any readers, THE EXAMINER has more gravitas automatically, and the Antis ARE ALL ESSENTIALLY SAYING THE SAME THINGS from different perspectives.Don't get lost in their nuanced differences---they are the same animal. 7. Don't be afraid to repeat yourself. This is fun---as you can take comfort in knowing it bores your detracters to tears. Find good analogies that really make horse sense, and use them repeatedly. It works well for George, and he certainly deserves his own stew. 8. Don't be afraid to disagree with past examiners, it shows that our field is diverse, and not singularly motivated. ALL other fields have a teaspoon of public disagreement, why not ours? It's VASTLY HARDER to demonize a profession that is not a single-minded entity. Atackers are hard-pressed to determine who they are against, rather than the easy task of attacking 2000 examiners who merely have different hairstyles. [This message has been edited by stat (edited 03-02-2008).] [This message has been edited by stat (edited 03-02-2008).] IP: Logged |
stat Member
posted 03-10-2008 07:05 AM
Well, it's been some time now, and Sackett is really earning stripes. Lieguy4 is starting to wittle some of the bluster and is honing his point----just as I hoped. Although not a robust defensive line, it does the job. Lie4 is posting---interestingly---about topics that have nothing to do with countermeasures. His efforts are a great distraction----although he must remember that the delicate balance between blasting George's efforts while debunking his countermeasures is a very fine line. The common retort to bluster is---"well, if cm's don't work, than what's the harm?" Sackett has addressed that recently and he knows that that point must always be "bumper sticker clear." Lie4's points, while all razor sharp, will ultimately lead to/ begs the question; "so what's the harm in some bad advice?"I still think the most inarguable and politically "railed" issue is that of endangering children through the advice to sex offenders to withdraw from treatment---treatment that is empirically proven to be effective for most sex offenders." George has even expressed some of his own wariness over the child molestor political underpinnings of his site----and he clearly is in real denial over the ill-effects of his e-book. It is and will alsawys be---in my opinion----his achilles heel. Hell, just having worked WITH sex offenders in the capacity of CATCHING THEM is socially repugnant to some (the inevitable "eewwwwwws" from casual conversations). The mere APPEARANCE of working alongside them as ADVOCATORS is social suicide. Giving sex offenders in treatment advice to "keep quiet" and manipulate authorities takes the cake.
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stat Member
posted 03-10-2008 09:04 AM
Also, I love to see Yankeedog peep in over there once in a while.

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thenolieguy4u Member
posted 03-12-2008 08:58 PM
Hi Fellas, Patrick Coffey here !! Some of you have known me as TheNoLieGuy4u on Anti. I accept your crticisms as passionate, and a bit foul at times; as is/was any seventh fleet sailor. It seems my time in the intel community did not refine my Irish temper. Of all the things you need to understand about me and in my postings at Anti, you need to understand this one point. I served as an Intel Officer / Bilingual Vietnamese (GG-0132) for you Federal types here. The very thought of someone who also served in that capacity as GM has stated he did for the Army, and his now bragging that Al Queda benefitted from his work just sent me over the edge.!!!!!!! We need to NOT address GM anymore as if we are taling to an "American" PhD., but rather make his choir wonder about his loyalties to both this nation, and whether his actions are in fact consistent with the oath he took. As for me, I've been shot at, scarred up by leeches in the jungle, and built up a thick skin like the rest of you over the years with the same accuracy questions we all face. That GM outs me is of NO CONCERN TO ME AT ALL. I am being pragmatic here on his site, taking the bastard on face to face, point by point, and my middle initial T stands for Total commitment. I wish I could be a fly on the wall at GM's little windmill hut as I'm sure he is looking up the Sedition acts, and other areas I have pointed to wherein he may be worried about prosecution. You will note that I made him go introspectively about who he can really trust among his little rag head buddies in Holland (a nation now 25% Islamic) as to who may have turned him in as collaborator, and otherwise destablize his mindset with those foreign national contacts. Such are the deeds of an Intelligence guy, and it is in my blood. No apologies !!! If you really want a treat, read my posting about Grogan, and his recent appearance on 97.1 FM in L.A. where he was exposed and the call in audience turne on him last week. "TRUTH IS ALWAYS SIMPLE; AS IT IS LIES THAT ARE COMPLEX"
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thenolieguy4u Member
posted 03-12-2008 09:23 PM
Oh yah, by the way fellas, forgive my occasional spelling blur here, as I had a stroke a while back, and am now 98% restored. Some folks actually prefer the 98% version, and some say I'm still over the top evan at that. Also, hats off to Ted for his efforts on the Groganitus plague. Further, to Jack as you will hear in that MP3 part 1 link at the 32:00 minute mark or so. Thanks IP: Logged |
sackett Moderator
posted 03-12-2008 09:24 PM
Pat,I believe the prison take down is always an effective strategy. One goes high the other low. At some point, the "screw" will be on the ground... ready for an ass whooppin'... Just be careful, george is about ready to ban you. He's already removed LALE (GM sent me a message to notify me of that after his personal attacks on me). See you on the "playground." Jim [This message has been edited by sackett (edited 03-12-2008).] IP: Logged |
thenolieguy4u Member
posted 03-12-2008 10:23 PM
Sackett,Notice that I'm nice to GM's allies. GM believes he can learn more about me by reading what I say to them. He won't ban me as long as I give him ideological positions to fight for. He seems to have given up on the TS thing and is probably engaged in researching salvaging his own ass should he find that there are precedent cases where he could be prosecuted under the UCMJ or Fed Statutes designed to protect the Intel. community. Personally, I know the Fed Prosecutors don't even seem to have time to go after mobsters. Unless I can get them to focus in on GM as an Al Queda assett, he won't be on their radar screen. We can only hope GM's site is being monitored by NSA, or other three letter organiztions, or at least at DoDPI / DACA; whose legal council might be inspired by all they have read here and find an angle to get this guy. By the way, how did you like GM's imaginary tombstone ????? Thanks all for the compliments and cheering me on, and for those I may have offended, just understand I can not apoligize as yet while this Anti site still operates, and have a Barry Goldwater-esque attitude about it all. I am playing every angle I know to zone this guy into a corner, and won't quit. I may get banned, but I just have to put my two cent in. IP: Logged |
thenolieguy4u Member
posted 03-12-2008 10:30 PM
Stat said "Well, it's been some time now, and Sackett is really earning stripes. Lieguy4 is starting to wittle some of the bluster and is honing his point----just as I hoped"Ha Stat, you mean I haven't earned my battlefield commisson YET ??? IP: Logged |
sackett Moderator
posted 03-12-2008 10:51 PM
I agree. But as long as you are unknown to GM, his #1 goal will be to identify you publicly. He has always prided himself a computer geek and able to identify anyone posting. I really don't believe he is worried (outwardly) about the esionage aspect of his activities. He's very smart and knows the constitution and his disclosure agreements in the past. Keep him with a slight moral high ground (from his perspective) to hold on to and he'll keep you around. But, if you get too personal or attack anyone too directly and in a nasty way, he might remove you. He will probably remove you if he's able to "out" you publicly... That's OK. You just come back as someone else...This site has more persoanlities than Sybil on steroids.... Have fun over there, I know I am... Jim [This message has been edited by sackett (edited 03-12-2008).] IP: Logged |
stat Member
posted 03-13-2008 07:27 AM
Pat, If you have any doubts as to my work at antipoly, do an antipolygraph search on the 500 or so posting I made in 2006 and 2007 under the username "Palerider" and having been banned, I returned under the anagram (same letters rearranged) "Paradiddle." I also posted as various shills off and on by way of a non-examiner friend of mine on the east coast. I did this to distract from Chaz', Dr. Lou Rosner, and Jack T's very bad press. I worked also to spread doubts and fear into posters such as EosJupitor 2 others to believe they were going to be associated with sex offenders----all by "Private Messaging" and getting to know them as men-----men with children they love.With all due respect Pat, ya gotta crisp up your points when you write, so that they can see that you aren't thinking in fragments. Your passion will fuel the necessary adjustments I'm sure. Thanks for your dedicated service-- p.s. Lay off the Generation X slams---as over half the progressive polygraph examiners that view and post over there belong to that generation----including me. Thanks. IP: Logged |
thenolieguy4u Member
posted 03-13-2008 11:10 PM
Hi Taylor, I noted your posting about how I treated Larry on Anti-. I must say having spoken to you now, that in the presence of a true lady I would not have done so. I hope you do understand that on a daily basis it is what we in the Y generation (I'm at the tail end of that) call a Downer. Maybe if Larry had joined the Marines, or travelled the world or something, he would not be such a winer. "Many are called, but few are chosen" translates into any language, and he just did not seem to be handling rejection well, and seemed to think the agency he applied for was somehow "Lesser" that they did not acquire him as an assett. He really needed to hear what I gave him, as perhaps his Father failed to provide same. I don't know, I just felt inspired by him, or was in an ornery Irish mood that day. That I got away with it was all in the art form, as they just plain old did not know what to think of me !!!! Now I'm at the top of GM's radar screen, and he has been backed into a corner wondering who betrayed him among his rag head buddies over there in the Hauge. He also failed to deny that he has conversed CM's with same middle easterners, although he denied translating same on paper. I've had a great week, how about You ? IP: Logged |
stat Member
posted 03-14-2008 09:17 AM
Congrats Pat! You have been selected for a photoshop mash-up. 
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blalock Member
posted 03-14-2008 09:26 AM
Pat King!------------------ Ben IP: Logged |
rnelson Member
posted 03-14-2008 10:02 AM
Another image for the PP 2008 pin-up calendar.Great job. r ------------------ "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room." --(Stanley Kubrick/Peter Sellers - Dr. Strangelove, 1964)
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stat Member
posted 03-14-2008 11:33 AM
Wow! Twoblock just disclosed on antipoly that he is a 77 year old former stroke victim.Pretty spry for his age, eh? Kinda explains the over-the-top sexist remarks he made at Donna some months back. Helluva way to spend the twilight years huh. 
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thenolieguy4u Member
posted 03-15-2008 02:18 AM
Hi Stat, Thanks for the "Fro" !!! I guess I'm just glad to have my hair at 47 myself. I was one of the few who did at the last class reunion. Pat IP: Logged | |